Wednesday, March 27, 2013

People Who Made A Difference - Video Montage

On March 14, 2013 Anna's 2nd grade class presented People Who Made A Difference.  Here is my 16 minute video compilation of it.  Each child in Anna's class (and the 3 other 2nd grade classes) represented a different famous historical person.  The presentation included short memorized speeches and fun songs.  Then we went to Anna's classroom to see her iPad Keynote presentation, poster, artwork and props.  The class had been working on this project for weeks and it showed!  This was truly the highlight of 2nd grade for Anna and her friends!

Anna portrayed Jane Addams - the first American woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for her work with social reform and women's right to vote.  Jane Addams opened one of the first settlement houses in the US - Hull House in Chicago, IL.  Hull House offered poor immigrant families a play to stay and get a hot meal.  Jane Addams also provided one of the first kindergartens which stressed the importance of a well-rounded education, including art and music, for children.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Anna,
    Just watched your second grade presentation...You and your fellow classmates did a fantastic job showing your famous people and the contribution they made to everyone. It was GREAT! We felt like we were there with you ♥ Meema & Bop ♥
